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- Ref:August Hirt HPHWP4XC
- Ref:AUMÜLLER Anatomy during the Third Reich The inst I3L2DTJD
- Ref:BIERMANN Nazi Verbrechen nach 75 Jahren aufgeklär EAQT2MRD
- Ref:COHEN On medical research and human dignity 4LJG357M
- Ref:CONDRAU The Patient s View Meets the Clinical Ga YW2DS3NJ
- Ref:CZARNOWSKI Alfred Pischinger 1899 1983 An Austri M73VEMQQ
- Ref:Dienstvilla mit Vergangenheit 2IUH7KIX
- Ref:DRÜLL ZIMMERMANN Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon 1386 1651 D29TE4QR
- Ref:FLEISCHHACKER Forced Laborers in Nazi Germany Categor DNYJ9G7U
- Ref:GÖRZINGER Das SS Ahnenerbe und die Straßburger Sc UCPTEPLX
- Ref:GROSS Anatomy in Cologne Institutional develo DP7MTKWE
- Ref:HANSSON Swedish German contacts in the field of T62MDH7Z
- Ref:HARROWFIELD Places and chemistry Strasbourg A chem 786AW46X
- Ref:HERBERT Forced Laborers in the Third Reich An O 7FLRYNXL
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Anatomische Gesellschaft from 1933 to 19 R5CN275A
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Anatomy in the Third Reich An outline CVBDT8HA
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Anatomy in the Third Reich An outline RBF6H224
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Editorial Anatomy in the Third Reich 4QC4FJDV
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Insights into the Freiburg Anatomical In H2ZM8WAJ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Letter in response to Winkelmann and Sch TSGI8TL2
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The case of Robert Herrlinger A unique KIZH3VBZ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Wolfgang Bargmann 1906 1978 and Heinri 5UDFDJL8
- Ref:HULVERSCHEIDT Begriffsdefinitionen Intersexualität V RUG5Y6K3
- Ref:Jean Sutter 1911 1998 Health Science WWFV7GXN
- Ref:KADEN Ergänzung zu Der Fall Julien Reitzenste 75CQ7KGB
- Ref:KAELBER Child Murder in Nazi Germany The Memory QLCENI6Q
- Ref:KELLERHOFF Das dunkle Erbe der Präsidentenvilla ZDHHTK42
- Ref:KELLERHOFF SS Ahnenerbe NS Kollaborateur erfand 3BFI2PPX
- Ref:KESSLER Why History Matters Fetal Dex and Inter 74JBEYEH
- Ref:LANG August Hirt and extraordinary opportuni LLT7SJY9
- Ref:LEVI Response to Hermann Stieve s clinical a KXNBE8IU
- Ref:MAIO Ärztliche Ethik als Politikum Zur franz LH2X4AZZ
- Ref:MARCKMANN Anatomische Vitamin C Forschung im Natio XASE798V
- Ref:MARCKMANN Beyond victimhood The struggle of Munic MERNHW2G
- Ref:MARCKMANN Munich anatomy and the distribution of b 64W3JDSL
- Ref:MARCKMANN The Munich Anatomical Institute under Na TLEDVL8P
- Ref:MOSTERT Useless eaters Disability as genocidal B6EVSY3P
- Ref:NÜCKLES Mediziner spürt die Sammlung des Nazi Ar HZX8XE25
- Ref:NOACK Anatomical departments in Bavaria and th SVI72LSK
- Ref:PANDEY Declining Use of the Hallervorden Spatz CJSPBBAX
- Ref:PEIFFER A Review of Thomas Beddies Kristina 8LDUK27V
- Ref:REAMEY August Hirt Deadly Collector of the Vic CZW5P6F6
- Ref:SATZINGER The Politics of Gender Concepts in Genet 82LTC4SQ
- Ref:SCHAGEN Hermann Stieve s clinical anatomical res C576N4P8
- Ref:SCHAGEN Response to the letter to the editor by CEXVYZPB
- Ref:SCHAGEN Response to the letter to the editor by QJ9YZBI7
- Ref:SCHÄFER Pädiatrische Netzwerke im Dritten Reich NYH3BD3C
- Ref:SCHMUHL Zwischen vorauseilendem Gehorsam und hal 837MUZ8R
- Ref:SEIDELMAN Letter in response to Winkelmann and Sch LKIVVW3T
- Ref:SEIDELMAN Response to Hermann Stieve s Clinical A 8YPAVC6E
- Ref:SIEMENS Streit über Gedenken Die dunkle Geschic RKV9EFE4
- Ref:SOLLORS Everybody Gets Fragebogened Sooner or L PFFU668M
- Ref:UHLMANN The science prior to the crime August H 344862NU
- Ref:WILDT Das Schicksal des Vorbesitzers der Bunde LDDZVCZS
- Ref:WILDT Hugo Heymann und die Dienstvilla des Bun KRH255PU
- Ref:WINKELMANN How the Anatomische Gesellschaft exclude 3IR6MG6A
- Ref:WINKELMANN The Anatomische Gesellschaft and Nationa Q8NNTEWJ
- Ref:WINKELMANN The Nachlass estate of Heinrich von Eg EVIHW45K
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