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De Commission Historique
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Anatomische Vitamin C–Forschung im Nationalsozialismus und in der Nachkriegszeit. Max Claras Humanexperimente an der Anatomischen Anstalt München / Anatomical Vitamin C-Research during National Socialism and the Postwar Period: Max Clara's Human Experiments at the Munich Anatomical Institute (1) ·
Destructive and Self-Destructive Trends in Criminalized Society. A Study of Totalitarianism (1) ·
Die Ernährung des Kleinkindes (1) ·
Places and chemistry. Strasbourg. A chemical crucible seen through historical personalities (1) ·
Review of Treatment of Mental Disorder (1) ·
Synthese der Lactoflavin-5′-Phosphorsäure (1) ·
The Molding of Personality under Dictatorship. The Importance of the Destructive Drives in the Socio-Psychological Structure of Nazism (1) ·
War Crimes and Their Motivation. The Socio-Psychological Structure of the SS and the Criminalization of a Society (1)
Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft (Abteilung A und B) (1) ·
Chemical Society Reviews (1) ·
DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift (1) ·
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1931-1951) (3) ·
Medizinhistorisches Journal (1) ·
The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science (1)
Afficher ci-dessous jusqu’à 8 résultats du nº 1 au nº 8.
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