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De Commission Historique
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Anatomical departments in Bavaria and the corpses of executed victims of National Socialism (1) ·
Anatomy during the Third Reich. The institute of anatomy at the university of Marburg (1) ·
‘Everybody Gets Fragebogened Sooner or Later’. The Denazification Questionnaire as Cultural Text (1) ·
Über Ausscheidung von Phenylbrenztraubensäure in den Harn als Stoffwechselanomalie in Verbindung mit Imbezillität. (1) ·
Editorial. Anatomy in the Third Reich (1) ·
The case of Robert Herrlinger. A unique postwar controversy on the ethics of the anatomical use of bodies of the executed during National Socialism (1) ·
The Munich Anatomical Institute under National Socialism. First results and prospective tasks of an ongoing research project (1) ·
Untersuchungen über den Descensus testiculorum bei Didelphis (1) ·
Wolfgang Bargmann (1906–1978) and Heinrich von Hayek (1900–1969). Careers in anatomy continuing through German National Socialism to postwar leadership (1)
Afficher ci-dessous jusqu’à 9 résultats du nº 1 au nº 9.
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