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De Commission Historique
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Anatomische Vitamin C–Forschung im Nationalsozialismus und in der Nachkriegszeit. Max Claras Humanexperimente an der Anatomischen Anstalt München / Anatomical Vitamin C-Research during National Socialism and the Postwar Period: Max Clara's Human Experiments at the Munich Anatomical Institute (1) ·
Anatomy in Cologne. Institutional development and body supply from the Weimar Republic to the early post-war period (1) ·
How the Anatomische Gesellschaft excluded unwanted members after 1945—among them Eugen Fischer and Max Clara (1) ·
Lumineszenzmikroskopische Untersuchungen am Nervensystem des lebenden Tieres (1) ·
Munich anatomy and the distribution of bodies from the Stadelheim execution site during National Socialism (1) ·
The Anatomische Gesellschaft and National Socialism. An analysis based on newly available archival material (1) ·
The case of Robert Herrlinger. A unique postwar controversy on the ethics of the anatomical use of bodies of the executed during National Socialism (1) ·
The Molding of Personality under Dictatorship. The Importance of the Destructive Drives in the Socio-Psychological Structure of Nazism (1) ·
Vererbung und Immunität (1)
Afficher ci-dessous jusqu’à 9 résultats du nº 1 au nº 9.
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