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De Commission Historique
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Medizinhistorisches Journal (7) ·
Clinical Anatomy (6) ·
Revue d'Allemagne et des Pays de Langue Allemande (5) ·
The Journal of Modern History (3) ·
1999. Zeitschrift für Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts (2) ·
Archives of Disease in Childhood (2) ·
International Journal of Early Childhood (2) ·
International Journal of Epidemiology (2) ·
NTM International Journal of History & Ethics of Natural Sciences, Technology & Medicine (2) ·
Annals of Internal Medicine (2) ·
Journal of Family History (2) ·
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde (2) ·
Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger (2) ·
American Journal of Public Health (2)
Afficher ci-dessous jusqu’à 97 résultats du nº 1 au nº 97.
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- Ref:ALGAHTANI Unethical human research in the field of R2XXGIEJ
- Ref:ALY The legalization of mercy killings in me XD28F5W9
- Ref:ANDERSON The Case of the Archive WXRWTG7E
- Ref:ANNAS Frozen Ethics Melting the Boundaries Be 8MEJXW5Q
- Ref:ANNAS Hospital Ethics Committees Consultants MAM2T77T
- Ref:ARNOLD La foi des Malgré Nous 1942 1945 SG7UNIPF
- Ref:ASH Die Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft im Natio NVHTEAZH
- Ref:BARLEY Contributing to its Own Defeat The Luft ITZSN7QP
- Ref:BARNES Thirty years of play in hospital UW83P55S
- Ref:BARRY MEHLER In the Name of Eugenics Genetics and th VJS5DT2X
- Ref:BARTHÉLÉMY Déperdition calorique et thermique du pl F5J5NIQD
- Ref:BÜCHNER Die Pathologie der Unterkühlung 4PBFH3PJ
- Ref:BECKER Das Laboratorium der I G Farben an der DA9GW4KE
- Ref:BEDDIES Pädiatrie nach 1945 in der Bundesrepubli XDTSRVR8
- Ref:BELL The value of twins in epigenetic epidemi RVHSKMJC
- Ref:BERGEN War trauma and medicine in Germany and XC4IP5ST
- Ref:BOSWELL Franco Alsatian Conflict and the Crisis PPLU3ISI
- Ref:BROUSSOLLE Review of Max Lafont L Extermination d FWLYJYE8
- Ref:BUCKLEY Should We Write Off Graphology TNIG9B6I
- Ref:BURTON The Alder Hey affair MDUF78IM
- Ref:BUTLER Sanatoria revisited sunlight and health BD4DLK49
- Ref:CARUTH The Body s Testimony Dramatic Witness i MKSSLTAE
- Ref:COURT Sir James Spence L2N9HQJQ
- Ref:DEVLIN The history of the smallpox vaccine CLLJHHSB
- Ref:DIEKEMA Conducting ethical research in pediatric QYU5Z3FA
- Ref:Dr Abraham Jacobi L6E8CVGB
- Ref:DUCKHEIM Medizinische Dissertationen aus der Zeit TBDRFXNH
- Ref:ELIAS La cérémonie inaugurale de la Reichsuniv H45E5654
- Ref:ELLSBERG Goldhagen s Hitler s Willing Executioner 4Q56BSID
- Ref:EVANS It is caused of the womans part or of t FS6IF5JH
- Ref:FOX Tuberculosis in Newborns The Lessons of QIMWRMER
- Ref:FRANCO Animal Experiments in Biomedical Researc JJI58ZLS
- Ref:FRASER Shadows of Law Shadows of the Shoah To AIC4G2Q6
- Ref:FREISLEDER Traumatisierung bei unbegleiteten minder 5RXP23RB
- Ref:FUCHS The First National Socialist Exterminati PCVLBRJ8
- Ref:GÖRGEN Die Cleveland Crisis 1987 Medikalisie SMYTRXTY
- Ref:GRANDHOMME La mise au pas Gleichschaltung de BL2CLYAK
- Ref:GRÜNDLER Rezension Franz Janzowski Die NS Verga WG72U3K2
- Ref:GRODIN The Nazi Physicians as Leaders in Eugeni Z9WK59UR
- Ref:HARVEY Play for children in hospital MGVX9S27
- Ref:HÄHNER ROMBACH Patientinnen und Patienten der Kinderbeo 3AHFERX8
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Anatomy in the Third Reich Careers disr ER3V5HDT
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Capital punishment and anatomy History RFQE8BKB
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Current status of identification of vict 2UBXI7BZ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT How the Pernkopf controversy facilitated F2KUFE3V
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Research on bodies of the executed in Ge WLSZT9AV
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The anatomist Hans Elias A Jewish Germa 8UEMZHJJ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The women on Stieve s list Victims of n H9EIYQZ4
- Ref:HILTON Who Was Worthy How Empathy Drove Pol TYB2JT8I
- Ref:HOPWOOD Review of Medizin am Toten oder am Leben YBC98BTI
- Ref:JOOST Carl Arthur Scheunerts Ernährungsversuch 5R2BF8DE
- Ref:KALDJIAN Eugenic Sterilization and a Qualified Na SMN5CVQ5
- Ref:KELSEN Will the Judgment in the Nuremberg Trial L39EXWYY
- Ref:KING Demographic trends pronatalism and nat ZPPVRRTU
- Ref:KING The historiography of medical history f AAQDGTW3
- Ref:KOEHL Bibliography and Notices 2Q4IMH9J
- Ref:KOEHL The Character of the Nazi SS ETX43G7C
- Ref:KOENIG Les Malgré Nous CGBA5ATF
- Ref:LANG Electroshock Therapy in the Third Reic MPICS6GE
- Ref:LÖWY Fleck the Public Health Expert Medical 64ZVZDED
- Ref:LEVENE Child Patients Hospitals and the Home i JKTP9B66
- Ref:LIGON BORDEN Abraham Jacobi MD father of american p 4X3YMV6U
- Ref:LUECKE The history of pediatrics at Baylor Univ RTK9YUHU
- Ref:LUNDBORG The Effect of Schooling on Mortality Ne U78PI2AI
- Ref:MARTIN Euthanasia tactics patterns of injustic ZC9BVWGW
- Ref:PELLEGRINO The Nazi Doctors and Nuremberg Some Mor KACGEHVE
- Ref:PENSELIN Der Fall Viktor von Weizsäcker 2965FPQG
- Ref:PETERSEN Werner Catel ein Protagonist der NS K TCTAS66Q
- Ref:PLISCHKE Denazification Law and Procedure W7ITKRJB
- Ref:PLOMIN Who discovered the twin method 3DI8BXRF
- Ref:POST The echo of Nuremberg Nazi data and eth 6FXVUCBM
- Ref:RADTKE Rethinking the medical causes of infant S4YT5B3U
- Ref:READER Review of Becoming a Physician Medical JC8GK6YT
- Ref:ROELCKE Die Entwicklung der Medizingeschichte se 4SGJXAJB
- Ref:ROTH Replik 3WBNR28G
- Ref:SCHLEGELMILCH Film als medizinhistorische Quelle Fil X7R2LQTU
- Ref:SCHREIBER Das Muskellager der menschlichen Gallenb WWGU694L
- Ref:SEIDELMAN Dissecting the history of anatomy in the 3QDDNTI5
- Ref:SHUSTER American Doctors at the Nuremberg Medica FKEBY3SU
- Ref:SIMON Nachruf Friedrich Weygand X4XNAPJ2
- Ref:THATCHER The Malgré nous Conflicting Memories of 5TTKTH88
- Ref:TRANNOY La suppression des existences superflue 7SGP2F9K
- Ref:VERNERET Nommer le conflit Le cas de l Alsace pe C9LPLFHG
- Ref:VIEJO ROSE Cultural heritage and memory untangling CRF626BM
- Ref:VOEGELI Nazi Family Policy Securing Mass Loyalt 78YSUFJE
- Ref:VOEGELI Nazi Family Policy Securing Mass Loyalt JZP9PU2C
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduct RGM9CY8Z
- Ref:VON CRANACH Ethics in psychiatry The lessons we lea DIRP9FQD
- Ref:WALLER Commentary The birth of the twin study D5G83A5S
- Ref:WEINDLING Cleansing anatomical collections The XMAXUA9J
- Ref:WEISS Der Kernphysiker Rudolf Fleischmann und VG3XUZPS
- Ref:WILSON A Troubled Past Reassessing Ethics in t IYDB232P
- Ref:WINKELMANN The Anatomische Gesellschaft and Nationa 85XZ362Z
- Ref:WYSZYNSKI Men with white coats and SS boots the C FGTDKW87
- Ref:ZAHRA Reclaiming Children for the Nation Germ JS4KY22U
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