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De Commission Historique
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Hildebrandt, Sabine (9) ·
Roelcke, Volker (5) ·
Weindling, Paul (5) ·
Rzesnitzek, Lara (3) ·
Lang, Sascha (3) ·
Rotzoll, Maike (2) ·
Seidelman, William E. (2) ·
Guillemain, Hervé (2) ·
Sick, Henri (2) ·
Hinz-Wessels, Annette (2) ·
Hohendorf, Gerrit (2) ·
Voegeli, Wolfgang (2) ·
von Bueltzingsloewen, Isabelle (2) ·
Löwy, Ilana (2) ·
Maurer, Catherine (2) ·
Le Minor, Jean-Marie (2) ·
Majerus, Benoît (2)
Autour du 350ème anniversaire de la création de la chaire d'anatomie de la Faculté de Médecine de Strasbourg (1652-2002) (2) ·
Les effets secondaires de la technique. Patients et institutions psychiatriques au temps de l’électrochoc, de la psychochirurgie et des neuroleptiques retard (années 1940-1970) (2)
Medizinhistorisches Journal (9) ·
Clinical Anatomy (7) ·
Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger (7) ·
Medical History (4) ·
Der Nervenarzt (3) ·
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde (3) ·
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (3) ·
NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin (3) ·
Revue d'Allemagne et des Pays de Langue Allemande (3) ·
Bios - Zeitschrift für Biographieforschung und Oral History (3) ·
Journal of Family History (2) ·
Histoire des sciences médicales (2) ·
Revue d’histoire moderne & contemporaine (2) ·
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (2) ·
Science, technology, & human values (2) ·
Aucune (2) ·
American Journal of Public Health (2) ·
Toxicology (2)
Afficher ci-dessous jusqu’à 123 résultats du nº 1 au nº 123.
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- Chronologie: PublicationYear
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- Ref:ADAMS Human Heredity and Politics A Comparati VJ8U2CGE
- Ref:ALSOP SHIELDS John Bowlby and James Robertson theoris 5M77KARY
- Ref:ANDERSON The Case of the Archive WXRWTG7E
- Ref:ASH Die Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft im Natio NVHTEAZH
- Ref:AUMÜLLER Anatomy during the Third Reich The inst I3L2DTJD
- Ref:BACOPOULOS VIAU Making Sense of the Chemical Revolution TYYTDHFY
- Ref:BAHLMANN Establishment of a guided in vivo mult 4LKRGCS5
- Ref:BARLEY Contributing to its Own Defeat The Luft ITZSN7QP
- Ref:BECKER Das Laboratorium der I G Farben an der DA9GW4KE
- Ref:BEDDIES Pädiatrie nach 1945 in der Bundesrepubli XDTSRVR8
- Ref:BELL The value of twins in epigenetic epidemi RVHSKMJC
- Ref:BENEDICT Forgotten Chapters in the History of T 4DK5NCE5
- Ref:BERGEN War trauma and medicine in Germany and XC4IP5ST
- Ref:BESSE M Elektrokonvulsionstherapie gegen den nat D39SFQIT
- Ref:BINNER NS Besatzungspolitik und Zwangsarbeit I LR468IJX
- Ref:BLESSING The Würzburg Anatomical Institute and it 2ZZD7NVK
- Ref:BONDIO Die Universitäts Hautklinik Greifswald i EHTLGID5
- Ref:BOUVET Current status and future perspectives o PYCLW3RA
- Ref:BROUSSOLLE Review of Max Lafont L Extermination d FWLYJYE8
- Ref:BRUNE Evolutionary Fallacies of Nazi Psychiatr VYCBB4WD
- Ref:BURTON The Alder Hey affair MDUF78IM
- Ref:BUTLER Sanatoria revisited sunlight and health BD4DLK49
- Ref:CARUTH The Body s Testimony Dramatic Witness i MKSSLTAE
- Ref:CHEN Surgical Navigation for Malignancies Gui 9JUL8LIC
- Ref:CONDRAU The Patient s View Meets the Clinical Ga YW2DS3NJ
- Ref:COTTEBRUNE Zwischen Theorie und Deutung der Vererbu AYBRF39K
- Ref:COUTURIER L enfermement des aliénés l asile de St LXG53EJM
- Ref:CZECH Hans Asperger National Socialism and W6XH95H8
- Ref:DUCKHEIM Medizinische Dissertationen aus der Zeit TBDRFXNH
- Ref:ELIAS La cérémonie inaugurale de la Reichsuniv H45E5654
- Ref:ERICSSON ON THE BORDER The contested children of SNHHBCCF
- Ref:EVANS It is caused of the womans part or of t FS6IF5JH
- Ref:EVLETH The Ordre des Medecins and the Jews in V 7JYU4NND
- Ref:FARRON The Victims of Unethical Human Experimen C675PKUY
- Ref:FLECK Ludwig Fleck On medical experiments on UHBDYRI8
- Ref:FOX Tuberculosis in Newborns The Lessons of QIMWRMER
- Ref:FRANCO Animal Experiments in Biomedical Researc JJI58ZLS
- Ref:FREISLEDER Traumatisierung bei unbegleiteten minder 5RXP23RB
- Ref:FUCHS The First National Socialist Exterminati PCVLBRJ8
- Ref:GÖRGEN Die Cleveland Crisis 1987 Medikalisie SMYTRXTY
- Ref:GRÜTTNER Die Vertreibung von Wissenschaftlern aus 74JH5FD9
- Ref:GRODIN The Nazi Physicians as Leaders in Eugeni Z9WK59UR
- Ref:GRUNER Die NS Judenverfolgung und die Kommunen MKGC4ZB5
- Ref:GUILLEMAIN Les effets secondaires de la technique ACE5R684
- Ref:GUILLEMAIN Les effets secondaires de la technique QXQ7MHCK
- Ref:HANSEN Prof Dr Dr h c mult Friedrich Stelz G4MFUENU
- Ref:HELMCHEN Bonhoeffers Position zur Sterilisation p ASGZLWSP
- Ref:HESS Taking and Keeping A Note on the Emerge PYNY2LDJ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Anatomy in the Third Reich Careers disr ER3V5HDT
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Capital punishment and anatomy History RFQE8BKB
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Editorial Anatomy in the Third Reich 4QC4FJDV
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Letter in response to Winkelmann and Sch TSGI8TL2
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Research on bodies of the executed in Ge WLSZT9AV
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The anatomist Hans Elias A Jewish Germa 8UEMZHJJ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The case of Robert Herrlinger A unique KIZH3VBZ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The women on Stieve s list Victims of n H9EIYQZ4
- Ref:HILTON Who Was Worthy How Empathy Drove Pol TYB2JT8I
- Ref:HOFFMANN Ein Museum für Himmler Eduard Paul Trat HG4G7QFI
- Ref:HOHEISEL Von der Suchtdroge zum Therapeutikum Zu SD4VGW49
- Ref:HOHENDORF Krankenmord im Dienst des Fortschritts AR4D4R6X
- Ref:Im Gedenken der Kinder Die Kinderärzte TPZPMJNP
- Ref:KAELBER Child Murder in Nazi Germany The Memory QLCENI6Q
- Ref:KARRENBERG Zur Geschichte des Persönlichkeitsbegrif 4X9HRAW5
- Ref:KARSTENS Die Summe aller Wahrheiten und Lügen Ei AMJYUB76
- Ref:KEHE Medical aspects of sulphur mustard poiso 9CU7JAFE
- Ref:KING Demographic trends pronatalism and nat ZPPVRRTU
- Ref:LANG A Material History of Electroshock Thera LAUXJ9TZ
- Ref:LANG Der Reproduktionsmediziner Carl Clauberg N5DUESPH
- Ref:LANG Electroshock Therapy in the Third Reic MPICS6GE
- Ref:LANG Electroshock therapy in the Third Reich 63YSP5Q5
- Ref:LÖWY Fleck the Public Health Expert Medical 64ZVZDED
- Ref:LE MINOR Autour du 350ème anniversaire de la créa NDQ3YHWC
- Ref:LE MINOR Autour du 350ème anniversaire de la créa YB7W44MC
- Ref:LEVENE Child Patients Hospitals and the Home i JKTP9B66
- Ref:LIGON BORDEN Abraham Jacobi MD father of american p 4X3YMV6U
- Ref:LOYER La débacle les universitaires et la Fon AYHFZ82H
- Ref:LUECKE The history of pediatrics at Baylor Univ RTK9YUHU
- Ref:MAIO Ärztliche Ethik als Politikum Zur franz LH2X4AZZ
- Ref:MAJERUS Fragilités guerrières Les fous parisie WM4D7UCD
- Ref:MARCUM The Origin of the Dispute over the Disco EUR2MH88
- Ref:MARTIN Euthanasia tactics patterns of injustic ZC9BVWGW
- Ref:MAURER Introduction Z93UWMNF
- Ref:MAURER Une université nazie sur le sol français EUUM62WD
- Ref:MAYER Die französische Regierung packt die Ju 9IEUN6W3
- Ref:MÜLLER The Poitrot Report 1945 the first pu MCEUGY5W
- Ref:MOMMSEN Noch einmal Nationalsozialismus und Mod AZRCDW8Y
- Ref:MOSTERT Useless eaters Disability as genocidal B6EVSY3P
- Ref:MUCKEL Methodische Reflexionen zur Forschung in 4B9LL6R5
- Ref:NOACK Anatomical departments in Bavaria and th SVI72LSK
- Ref:NOLTE Wege zu einer Patientengeschichte des ABSZDENX
- Ref:OEHLER KLEIN The use of executed Nazi victims in anat GFWEEM8W
- Ref:ORTH Neuere Forschungen zur Selbstmobilisieru KEHPMFTT
- Ref:PINWINKLER Der Arzt als Führer der Volksgesundheit TJDFD9VG
- Ref:PLATO Zeitzeugen und die historische Zunft Er IAWRDGCV
- Ref:PRÜLL Pathologie im Zeitalter der Gewalt 857HXSRM
- Ref:ROELCKE Die Sulfonamid Experimente in nationalso I39YP6RN
- Ref:ROELCKE Programm und Praxis der psychiatrischen V3QE5ER9
- Ref:ROELCKE Psychiater im Nationalsozialismus Täter YDEYMVN6
- Ref:SACHSE What Research to What End The Rockefel SJHREMSS
- Ref:SAMMET Mehr Freiheit wagen Cyproteronacetat S VZ33MS6B
- Ref:SATZINGER The Politics of Gender Concepts in Genet 82LTC4SQ
- Ref:SCHAGEN Response to the letter to the editor by QJ9YZBI7
- Ref:SEIDELMAN Dissecting the history of anatomy in the 3QDDNTI5
- Ref:SEIDELMAN Letter in response to Winkelmann and Sch LKIVVW3T
- Ref:SHUSTER American Doctors at the Nuremberg Medica FKEBY3SU
- Ref:SMITH Therapeutic options to treat sulfur must 58ABMJK6
- Ref:STAHNISCH Max Bielschowsky 1869 1940 7R25BNUI
- Ref:STEIN Kredite für den Wiederaufbau die Reichsw 3VZSQMU6
- Ref:THATCHER The Malgré nous Conflicting Memories of 5TTKTH88
- Ref:THIMME Carl Arthur Scheunert Ein Naturwissensc UQUCWK43
- Ref:VANJA Arm und krank Patientenbiographien im S PAKY53UE
- Ref:VOEGELI Nazi Family Policy Securing Mass Loyalt 78YSUFJE
- Ref:VOEGELI Nazi Family Policy Securing Mass Loyalt JZP9PU2C
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduc RG285WM7
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduct RGM9CY8Z
- Ref:WAKE Karl Wilhelm Kupffer and his contributio QGURRFHH
- Ref:WEINDLING Auf der Spur von Medizinverbrechen Keit TP95PWQ6
- Ref:WEINDLING Cleansing anatomical collections The ANFGBKRQ
- Ref:WEINDLING Cleansing anatomical collections The XMAXUA9J
- Ref:WEINDLING Hiding in Plain View Burial and Commemo DTVG2R94
- Ref:WEISS Die Megavolt Röntgenanlage des Allgemein R87YP793
- Ref:WIERLING Zeitgeschichte ohne Zeitzeugen Vom komm 2NFXIYAM
- Ref:WILSON A Troubled Past Reassessing Ethics in t IYDB232P
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