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De Commission Historique
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Medical History (4) ·
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Revue d'Allemagne et des Pays de Langue Allemande (2) ·
American Journal of Public Health (2) ·
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Afficher ci-dessous jusqu’à 55 résultats du nº 1 au nº 55.
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- Ref:ARNOLD La foi des Malgré Nous 1942 1945 SG7UNIPF
- Ref:ASH Die Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft im Natio NVHTEAZH
- Ref:BACOPOULOS VIAU Making Sense of the Chemical Revolution TYYTDHFY
- Ref:BEDDIES Pädiatrie nach 1945 in der Bundesrepubli XDTSRVR8
- Ref:BELL The value of twins in epigenetic epidemi RVHSKMJC
- Ref:BESSE M Elektrokonvulsionstherapie gegen den nat D39SFQIT
- Ref:BINNER NS Besatzungspolitik und Zwangsarbeit I LR468IJX
- Ref:BORIES SAWALA Traces de la captivité et du travail for 2AT25MVI
- Ref:BOUVET Current status and future perspectives o PYCLW3RA
- Ref:COUTURIER L enfermement des aliénés l asile de St LXG53EJM
- Ref:CZECH Hans Asperger National Socialism and W6XH95H8
- Ref:DEPKAT Zum Stand und zu den Perspektiven der Au PACYZ7AZ
- Ref:FARRON The Victims of Unethical Human Experimen C675PKUY
- Ref:FELDER Euthanasia Human Experiments and Psy V5ATI6J7
- Ref:FENN First Use of Intravenous Chemotherapy Tr 6BSAT9H3
- Ref:FRANCO Animal Experiments in Biomedical Researc JJI58ZLS
- Ref:FRASER Shadows of Law Shadows of the Shoah To AIC4G2Q6
- Ref:FREISLEDER Traumatisierung bei unbegleiteten minder 5RXP23RB
- Ref:GÖRGEN Die Cleveland Crisis 1987 Medikalisie SMYTRXTY
- Ref:GRANDHOMME La mise au pas Gleichschaltung de BL2CLYAK
- Ref:GRÜNDLER Rezension Franz Janzowski Die NS Verga WG72U3K2
- Ref:GRODIN The Nazi Physicians as Leaders in Eugeni Z9WK59UR
- Ref:HELMCHEN Bonhoeffers Position zur Sterilisation p ASGZLWSP
- Ref:HESS Taking and Keeping A Note on the Emerge PYNY2LDJ
- Ref:HESS Writing the history of psychiatry in the MGPIIJ7N
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Letter in response to Winkelmann and Sch TSGI8TL2
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The case of Robert Herrlinger A unique KIZH3VBZ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The women on Stieve s list Victims of n H9EIYQZ4
- Ref:HILTON Who Was Worthy How Empathy Drove Pol TYB2JT8I
- Ref:HOHEISEL Von der Suchtdroge zum Therapeutikum Zu SD4VGW49
- Ref:Im Gedenken der Kinder Die Kinderärzte TPZPMJNP
- Ref:KARSTENS Die Summe aller Wahrheiten und Lügen Ei AMJYUB76
- Ref:LANG A Material History of Electroshock Thera LAUXJ9TZ
- Ref:LANG Der Reproduktionsmediziner Carl Clauberg N5DUESPH
- Ref:LANG Electroshock Therapy in the Third Reic MPICS6GE
- Ref:LANG Electroshock therapy in the Third Reich 63YSP5Q5
- Ref:LEVENE Child Patients Hospitals and the Home i JKTP9B66
- Ref:LEY Kollaboration mit der SS zum Wohle von P I8UTFS4R
- Ref:MAJERUS A Chemical Revolution as Seen from below 29YMPYP7
- Ref:MARTIN Euthanasia tactics patterns of injustic ZC9BVWGW
- Ref:SCHAGEN Response to the letter to the editor by QJ9YZBI7
- Ref:SCHÜTZ Doppelte Moral Der Medizinstudent Kurt LQ5433SB
- Ref:SCHLEGELMILCH Film als medizinhistorische Quelle Fil X7R2LQTU
- Ref:SHUSTER American Doctors at the Nuremberg Medica FKEBY3SU
- Ref:SIWECKA Genesis and development of the medical C3U984E4
- Ref:SOLLORS Everybody Gets Fragebogened Sooner or L PFFU668M
- Ref:SOLLORS everybody gets fragebogened sooner or l PLTCBVAT
- Ref:STEIN Kredite für den Wiederaufbau die Reichsw 3VZSQMU6
- Ref:TERNON Le rapport Poitrot 335C6PJB
- Ref:TERNON Le rapport Poitrot VCVA22DE
- Ref:THIMME Carl Arthur Scheunert Ein Naturwissensc UQUCWK43
- Ref:VIEJO ROSE Cultural heritage and memory untangling CRF626BM
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduc RG285WM7
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduct RGM9CY8Z
- Ref:VON CRANACH Ethics in psychiatry The lessons we lea DIRP9FQD
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