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Hildebrandt, Sabine (9) ·
Steger, Florian (3) ·
Le Minor, Jean-Marie (3) ·
Roelcke, Volker (3) ·
Maurer, Catherine (2) ·
Müller, Thomas (2) ·
Löwy, Ilana (2) ·
Marckmann, Georg (2) ·
Schütz, Mathias (2) ·
Seidelman, William E. (2) ·
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Winckelmann, Hans-Joachim (2) ·
Weindling, Paul (2) ·
Waschke, Jens (2)
Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger (10) ·
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Clinical Anatomy (4) ·
Histoire des sciences médicales (4) ·
Der Nervenarzt (4) ·
Revue d'Allemagne et des Pays de langue allemande (3) ·
Science, Technology, & Human Values (2) ·
Annals of Anatomy – Anatomischer Anzeiger (2) ·
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte (2)
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- Main
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- Ref:AGUTTER Sulfur mustard toxicity History chemis 9HNPP7IZ
- Ref:ALGAHTANI Unethical human research in the field of R2XXGIEJ
- Ref:ANDERSON The Case of the Archive WXRWTG7E
- Ref:ANNAS Frozen Ethics Melting the Boundaries Be 8MEJXW5Q
- Ref:ANNAS Hospital Ethics Committees Consultants MAM2T77T
- Ref:BALZ East Side story The standardisation of EQYAJRJ4
- Ref:BECKER Das Laboratorium der I G Farben an der DA9GW4KE
- Ref:BECKER Transferred to Another Institution Cl UIDIGDHI
- Ref:BENEDICT Forgotten Chapters in the History of T 4DK5NCE5
- Ref:BERGEN War trauma and medicine in Germany and XC4IP5ST
- Ref:BLESSING The Würzburg Anatomical Institute and it 2ZZD7NVK
- Ref:BONDIO Die Universitäts Hautklinik Greifswald i EHTLGID5
- Ref:BRÜCKNER Geschichte der Psychiatrie von unten W2JF772S
- Ref:BUTLER Sanatoria revisited sunlight and health BD4DLK49
- Ref:CARUTH The Body s Testimony Dramatic Witness i MKSSLTAE
- Ref:CRIBIER Strasbourg capitale du mycosis fongoïde N9XII28Z
- Ref:DUCKHEIM Medizinische Dissertationen aus der Zeit TBDRFXNH
- Ref:ELIAS La cérémonie inaugurale de la Reichsuniv H45E5654
- Ref:ERKER Anschluss 1938 Aftermath on Medicine an DRNAXQES
- Ref:EVANS It is caused of the womans part or of t FS6IF5JH
- Ref:FLECK Ludwig Fleck On medical experiments on UHBDYRI8
- Ref:GAUGGEL Einstellung von Medizinstudenten zur Ele 6W3WZPZJ
- Ref:HANSSON Swedish German contacts in the field of T62MDH7Z
- Ref:HARROWFIELD Places and chemistry Strasbourg A chem 786AW46X
- Ref:HÄHNER ROMBACH Patientinnen und Patienten der Kinderbeo 3AHFERX8
- Ref:HESS Formalisierte Beobachtung Die Genese de HENCDVJH
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Anatomische Gesellschaft from 1933 to 19 R5CN275A
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Anatomy in the Third Reich Careers disr ER3V5HDT
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Current status of identification of vict 2UBXI7BZ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Editorial Anatomy in the Third Reich 4QC4FJDV
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Research on bodies of the executed in Ge WLSZT9AV
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The anatomist Hans Elias A Jewish Germa 8UEMZHJJ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Wolfgang Bargmann 1906 1978 and Heinri 5UDFDJL8
- Ref:HOHENDORF Krankenmord im Dienst des Fortschritts AR4D4R6X
- Ref:JOOST Carl Arthur Scheunerts Ernährungsversuch 5R2BF8DE
- Ref:KAPFHAMMER Das Schizoidie Konzept in der Psychiatri TET9ASIU
- Ref:KRUPINSKI Werner Heyde Psychiater und Massenmörde VWTMVR5D
- Ref:LANG August Hirt and extraordinary opportuni LLT7SJY9
- Ref:LÖWY Fleck the Public Health Expert Medical 64ZVZDED
- Ref:LE MINOR Étudiants et assistants japonais à la Fa TSNSJ5IF
- Ref:LE MINOR Étudiants et assistants japonais à la Fa VY9R5AQC
- Ref:LE MINOR Journées d histoire de la médecine act 5NJXPU5Z
- Ref:LEIDINGER Was hätten sie denn tun sollen Die Fami PLSI34FI
- Ref:LUNDBORG The Effect of Schooling on Mortality Ne U78PI2AI
- Ref:MAJERUS Fragilités guerrières Les fous parisie WM4D7UCD
- Ref:MARCKMANN Anatomische Vitamin C Forschung im Natio XASE798V
- Ref:MARCKMANN The Munich Anatomical Institute under Na TLEDVL8P
- Ref:MAURER Introduction Z93UWMNF
- Ref:MAURER Une université nazie sur le sol français EUUM62WD
- Ref:MAYER Die französische Regierung packt die Ju 9IEUN6W3
- Ref:MÜLLER The Poitrot Report 1945 the first pu MCEUGY5W
- Ref:NOACK Anatomical departments in Bavaria and th SVI72LSK
- Ref:OBERLERCHNER K ein Ende des Schreckens Therapeutisc 23N3WR98
- Ref:OEHLER KLEIN The use of executed Nazi victims in anat GFWEEM8W
- Ref:ORTH Neuere Forschungen zur Selbstmobilisieru KEHPMFTT
- Ref:PINWINKLER Der Arzt als Führer der Volksgesundheit TJDFD9VG
- Ref:PRÜLL Pathologie im Zeitalter der Gewalt 857HXSRM
- Ref:ROELCKE Psychiater im Nationalsozialismus Täter YDEYMVN6
- Ref:SATZINGER The Politics of Gender Concepts in Genet 82LTC4SQ
- Ref:SEIDELMAN Dissecting the history of anatomy in the 3QDDNTI5
- Ref:SEIDELMAN Letter in response to Winkelmann and Sch LKIVVW3T
- Ref:THATCHER The Malgré nous Conflicting Memories of 5TTKTH88
- Ref:WALLER Commentary The birth of the twin study D5G83A5S
- Ref:WÄSSLE A Collection of Brain Sections of Eutha 3JSFX2MC
- Ref:WEINDLING Cleansing anatomical collections The ANFGBKRQ
- Ref:WEINDLING Cleansing anatomical collections The XMAXUA9J
- Ref:WIEDEMANN Anständige Täter asoziale Opfer D X7V5XYII
- Ref:WILSON A Troubled Past Reassessing Ethics in t IYDB232P
- Ref:WINKELMANN The Anatomische Gesellschaft and Nationa 85XZ362Z
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