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De Commission Historique
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- Ref:ADAMS Human Heredity and Politics A Comparati VJ8U2CGE
- Ref:ADLER Selbstverwaltung und Widerstand in den K BCRL9DBQ
- Ref:ASH Die Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft im Natio NVHTEAZH
- Ref:BAHLMANN Establishment of a guided in vivo mult 4LKRGCS5
- Ref:BARLEY Contributing to its Own Defeat The Luft ITZSN7QP
- Ref:BARRY MEHLER In the Name of Eugenics Genetics and th VJS5DT2X
- Ref:BINNER NS Besatzungspolitik und Zwangsarbeit I LR468IJX
- Ref:BOUVET Current status and future perspectives o PYCLW3RA
- Ref:CHEN Surgical Navigation for Malignancies Gui 9JUL8LIC
- Ref:COLLINS The Dynamics of Regional Identity in a F CAI5PX93
- Ref:CONDRAU The Patient s View Meets the Clinical Ga YW2DS3NJ
- Ref:COTTEBRUNE Zwischen Theorie und Deutung der Vererbu AYBRF39K
- Ref:COUTURIER L enfermement des aliénés l asile de St LXG53EJM
- Ref:CZECH Hans Asperger National Socialism and W6XH95H8
- Ref:DAVID Abortion and eugenics in Nazi Germany TKVQ4CV8
- Ref:ERICSSON ON THE BORDER The contested children of SNHHBCCF
- Ref:EVANS It is caused of the womans part or of t FS6IF5JH
- Ref:EVLETH The Ordre des Medecins and the Jews in V 7JYU4NND
- Ref:FOX Tuberculosis in Newborns The Lessons of QIMWRMER
- Ref:FRANCO Animal Experiments in Biomedical Researc JJI58ZLS
- Ref:FREI Wie modern war der Nationalsozialismus HWXJC5IL
- Ref:GRENACHER Einige Notizen zur Tinctionstechnik bes FM96NDZU
- Ref:HAITINGER Methoden der Fluoreszenzanalyse CDC4SG2M
- Ref:HEBERER Die anthropologischen Arbeiten der Sunda WNHD4MSV
- Ref:HERNDON A twin family study of susceptibility to EY3GT2FG
- Ref:KAELBER Child Murder in Nazi Germany The Memory QLCENI6Q
- Ref:KATER The burden of the past Problems of mode 46PQMZ8P
- Ref:KIESSELBACH Die Drehung des Beckens während der Entw GJMNH28W
- Ref:KOHLRAUSCH Gaswechseluntersuchungen zur Frage der D 3HS6QLYB
- Ref:KOHLRAUSCH Methodik zur quantitativen Bestimmung de 4XLVI834
- Ref:LEVENE Child Patients Hospitals and the Home i JKTP9B66
- Ref:LEY Im Teufelskreis der Eugenik Die Erfahru PAM9FKW3
- Ref:LIGON BORDEN Abraham Jacobi MD father of american p 4X3YMV6U
- Ref:LUECKE The history of pediatrics at Baylor Univ RTK9YUHU
- Ref:MARTIN Euthanasia tactics patterns of injustic ZC9BVWGW
- Ref:NOLTE Wege zu einer Patientengeschichte des ABSZDENX
- Ref:ORTH Neuere Forschungen zur Selbstmobilisieru KEHPMFTT
- Ref:PLATO Zeitzeugen und die historische Zunft Er IAWRDGCV
- Ref:POST The echo of Nuremberg Nazi data and eth 6FXVUCBM
- Ref:READER Review of Becoming a Physician Medical JC8GK6YT
- Ref:ROELCKE Die Entwicklung der Medizingeschichte se 4SGJXAJB
- Ref:SUTTER Review François Bayle Croix gammée con XXHG82I7
- Ref:SZASZ From the slaughterhouse to the madhouse NJ5GI5HC
- Ref:TAYLOR Les procès de Nuermberg synthèse et vu T6YI5QB6
- Ref:TREY Zum Sturz ins Wasser XGV5TNFF
- Ref:VANJA Arm und krank Patientenbiographien im S PAKY53UE
- Ref:VASSBERG Nationalism ethnicity and language choi JRG4HWDW
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduc RG285WM7
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduct RGM9CY8Z
- Ref:VON NEUREITER Die Spuren endokardialer Injektionen an R4J29YLH
- Ref:VON NEUREITER Siegfried Talwik EQ2BY6DZ
- Ref:VON NEUREITER Zum mikrochemischen Nachweis der Blausäu KXCBBZQ4
- Ref:VON NEUREITER Zur Bekämpfung der Gefährdung durch den I98GJANT
- Ref:WAKE Karl Wilhelm Kupffer and his contributio QGURRFHH
- Ref:WEINDLING Auf der Spur von Medizinverbrechen Keit TP95PWQ6
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