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De Commission Historique
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Clinical Anatomy (7) ·
History of Psychiatry (2) ·
NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin (2) ·
The American Journal of Bioethics (2) ·
Histoire & patrimoine hospitalier : mémoire de la médecine à Strasbourg (2) ·
Sozial.Geschichte Online (2) ·
myops. Berichte aus der Welt des Rechts (2) ·
Holocaust and Genocide Studies (2)
Afficher ci-dessous jusqu’à 55 résultats du nº 1 au nº 55.
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- Ref:ANNAS Frozen Ethics Melting the Boundaries Be 8MEJXW5Q
- Ref:ANNAS Hospital Ethics Committees Consultants MAM2T77T
- Ref:ASH Die Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft im Natio NVHTEAZH
- Ref:BERGEN War trauma and medicine in Germany and XC4IP5ST
- Ref:BINNER NS Besatzungspolitik und Zwangsarbeit I LR468IJX
- Ref:BOUVET Current status and future perspectives o PYCLW3RA
- Ref:BURGARD Visualising Holocaust Child survivors in AYFW4SYL
- Ref:CARTA Women And Hysteria In The History Of Men TLXTNMT7
- Ref:CLOSE KOENIG Histopathology Slides from Medical Resea ZS5NI5K7
- Ref:COUTURIER L enfermement des aliénés l asile de St LXG53EJM
- Ref:CZECH Hans Asperger National Socialism and W6XH95H8
- Ref:DE BOUSINGEN La Clinique infantile de l Hôpital Civil WAQXXAY7
- Ref:DEPKAT Zum Stand und zu den Perspektiven der Au PACYZ7AZ
- Ref:EVANS It is caused of the womans part or of t FS6IF5JH
- Ref:FELDER Euthanasia Human Experiments and Psy V5ATI6J7
- Ref:FELDER Menschenversuche mit Insulin Die Insuli J38FKPGZ
- Ref:FRANCO Animal Experiments in Biomedical Researc JJI58ZLS
- Ref:FRASER Shadows of Law Shadows of the Shoah To AIC4G2Q6
- Ref:GAWLICH Ich habe halt gesponnen Affektordnun 7U2EXX5Y
- Ref:HESS Taking and Keeping A Note on the Emerge PYNY2LDJ
- Ref:HESS Writing the history of psychiatry in the MGPIIJ7N
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Current status of identification of vict 2UBXI7BZ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Letter in response to Winkelmann and Sch TSGI8TL2
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT Research on bodies of the executed in Ge WLSZT9AV
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The anatomist Hans Elias A Jewish Germa 8UEMZHJJ
- Ref:HILDEBRANDT The women on Stieve s list Victims of n H9EIYQZ4
- Ref:HILTON Who Was Worthy How Empathy Drove Pol TYB2JT8I
- Ref:KAELBER Child Murder in Nazi Germany The Memory QLCENI6Q
- Ref:KAPFHAMMER Das Schizoidie Konzept in der Psychiatri TET9ASIU
- Ref:KARSTENS Die Summe aller Wahrheiten und Lügen Ei AMJYUB76
- Ref:KESSLER Why History Matters Fetal Dex and Inter 74JBEYEH
- Ref:LEVENE Child Patients Hospitals and the Home i JKTP9B66
- Ref:LEVY Les patrons successifs de la clinique WNJ9XN8H
- Ref:MAJERUS A Chemical Revolution as Seen from below 29YMPYP7
- Ref:MAMCZAK GADKOWSKA Akten der Reichsuniversität Posen in den CN5VH33P
- Ref:MARTIN Euthanasia tactics patterns of injustic ZC9BVWGW
- Ref:MÜLLER The Poitrot Report 1945 the first pu MCEUGY5W
- Ref:ORTH Neuere Forschungen zur Selbstmobilisieru KEHPMFTT
- Ref:PANDEY Declining Use of the Hallervorden Spatz CJSPBBAX
- Ref:REITZENSTEIN Am Thema vorbeirezensiert Replik auf F DAE2YX56
- Ref:REITZENSTEIN Am Thema vorbeirezensiert V39SB3XG
- Ref:ROTH Genetische Forschung in der Konfrontatio 8FE6B2TC
- Ref:SATZINGER The Politics of Gender Concepts in Genet 82LTC4SQ
- Ref:SCHAGEN Response to the letter to the editor by QJ9YZBI7
- Ref:SCHAPPACHER Die Siegeruniveritäten Die Straßburger D739GDM8
- Ref:SCHÜTZ Doppelte Moral Der Medizinstudent Kurt LQ5433SB
- Ref:SEIDELMAN Letter in response to Winkelmann and Sch LKIVVW3T
- Ref:SIWECKA Genesis and development of the medical C3U984E4
- Ref:TOLEDANO Henri Henrypierre de Lièpvre à Nurember H2EURPCA
- Ref:VIEJO ROSE Cultural heritage and memory untangling CRF626BM
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduc RG285WM7
- Ref:VON BUELTZINGSLOEWEN Un fol espoir thérapeutique L introduct RGM9CY8Z
- Ref:WAGNER Ein unterdrücktes und verdrängtes Kapite HMWDME6C
- Ref:WILSON A Troubled Past Reassessing Ethics in t IYDB232P
- Ref:YUDELL Ernst Rüdin and the State of Science LK4KATWN
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