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Kurt Hofmeier

De Commission Historique
Révision datée du 14 avril 2022 à 11:17 par E.fuchs (discussion | contributions) (Enregistré en utilisant le bouton "Sauvegarder et continuer" du formulaire)

Kurt Hofmeier
Prénom Kurt
Nom Hofmeier
Sexe masculin
Naissance 9 septembre 1896 (Königsberg)
Décès 27 août 1989 (Heidelberg)

Kurt Fritz Robert Hofmeier was born in Königsberg, Prussia, on 9 September 1896, to Friz Hofmeier and Paula Hofmeier (maiden name Ramm)[1]. His father was a lieutenant in the Prussian army, and Kurt became a Lieutenant of the Field Artillery in the First World War, for which he earned a first and second class Iron Cross. He was part of the sanitary corps of the army, and then became the head doctor of the reserve army.[1] While studying medicine in Marburg in 1918, Hofmeier joined the student organisation Corps Hasso-Nassovia Marburg, which was a conservative student group.[2] He attended the University of Marburg for undergraduate study, then the University of Wurzburg for postgraduate study, and became a doctor in 1922. He became an assistant to Professor Morawitz and Professor Rietschel in Wurzburg. He became involved in the State Hygienic Institute in Frankfurt under the supervision of Professor Niesser and Professor Braun.[2]

In 1929 he married Edith Breitschuh, with whom he would later have four children.[1] Hofmeier then came to the attention of Dr Bessau, for whom he worked as an assistant in Leipzig and Berlin.[1] He then became a lecturer in the Kaiser Wilhelms University in the department of children's health.  In 1930 he worked with the Reichsgesundheitsamt and in 1931 he joined the NSDAP. He joined the NSKK and the NS Ärztebund in 1932.[1]

In 1934 he became the director of the Städtischen Kinderkrankenhauses und Mutterheims in Berlin.[1] He gave his inaugural lecture on 2 November 1938 on the themes of the work of paediatricians on the spiritual and physical development of children entitled “The collaboration of the paediatrician in children's psychological and physical education through natural healing in the children's clinic and the current state of the rickets issue and the fight against rickets”.[1] Dr Bessau attended this lecture and noted that he spoke well, he was quiet but clearly expressed himself and had a good critical analysis of the area. In 1938 he completed his habilitation entitled ‘Die Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit der Aktiven Immunisierung gegen Diphtherie’, and then became a lecturer in the Charite in Berlin.3 Hofmeier was appointed as the director of the children's clinic in the Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria Haus in 1938.4

In June 1939 he completed his Habilitation, and in September of the same year, he became a lecturer in paediatrics in the University of Berlin. In the winter semester 1939 - 1940, Hofmeier gave his inaugural lecture on the question of constitution in children and youths. [1] In September 1941, Hofmeier moved to Strasbourg to take on the position of director of the Reichsuniversität Straßburg children's clinic, as well as practice theoretical instruction and clinical practice [3]. During his time in Strasbourg, Hofmeier supervised 31 medical theses, and lectured extensively. He then received a 6,000RM grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for general paediatric research for the term of one year, between 1941 and 1942 [4]. In April 1943 the Reichsministeriums für Wissenschaft and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft awarded him 3,000RM for his research entitled “Untersuchungen uber den gesundheitszustand der elsässischen jugend.” [5] Given the lack of documentation about this research, and the vague titles, it is most likely that this was some sort of financial compensation rather than clinical research.

In May 1943, Dr Georg Ebners, head of the Lebensborn organisation, wrote to Hofmeier from the Schwarzwald Lebensborn home in Nordrach. He requested that someone from the Reichsuniversität Straßburg children's clinic come every eight weeks to ensure the children at the Lebensborn home were in good health. Hofmeier personally volunteered, and brought Dr Kiehl with him, agreeing to visit every four weeks [6]. Some of Dr Kiehl's reports survive, but the subsequent frequency of Dr Hofmeier's visits is unknown. In November 1944, he consulted with Franz Vaterrodt and Professor Stein concerning the evacuation of the city, and the retention of the university [7]. They convened a faculty meeting, only to find that a number of faculty members had already fled. He continued to teach paediatrics up until the day before the Allies liberated Strabourg. On the 23rd of November, when the city was liberated, he fled in his car across the bridge to Kehl in the morning, taking paperwork with him [7]. He continued to lecture in the Reichsuniversität Straßburg in exile in Tübingen.

In 1947, he compiled an application for the University of Mainz (in the French occupied zone) to become the head of paediatrics there [8]. While this application was ultimately not successful, this application compiles testimony of his former co workers. Following this unsuccessful application, he went to Stuttgart and went into private practice of paediatrics, independently of a university institution [9]. In 1948 he underwent denazification, and was classified as a Mitlaüfer [10]. He continued to publish on paediatrics in the postwar era, and also wrote an unpublished memoir while in Stuttgart [11].





  • Allemand


  • Protestant


  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Prophylaxe und Behandlung der Erkӓltungskrankheiten beim Sӓugling und Kleinkind. Medizinische Welt 8 (1937) :
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Pädiatrische Forderungen bei der Leitung der Geburt. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 66 (1940) : 1093-1095
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Erbwissenschaft und Adoption; Die Bedeutung von Krnakhaften Erbanlagen und Erbkrankheiten bei Adoptiveltern und Adoptivkindern. Die Gesundheitsfuhrung 6 (1942) :
  • Hofmeier, Kurt ; Deutschland (Deutsches Reich) ; Joppich, Gerhard ; Reichsministerium des Innern. Lehrbuch für Säuglings- und Kinderschwestern. Stuttgart : Enke, 1944
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Hautnekrose bei Scharlach. Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde 36 (1923) : 151-156
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Unterscheidung der echten Paratyphus-B-von den Breslau-Enteritisbakterien auf Ammonchlorid-Rhamnose-Agar. Bemerkungen zu der gleichnamigen Arbeit von Karl L. Pesch und A. Maschke in Jg. 7, Nr. 9, S. 401 dieser Wochenschrift. Klinische Wochenschrift 7 (1928) : 1692
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Untersuchungen über die Blutkonzentration. Zeitschrift für die gesamte experimentelle Medizin 35 (1923) : 191-202
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Vererbung und Immunität. Klinische Wochenschrift 16 (1937) : 329-333
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Zur Differentialdiagnose von Krӓmpfen im Kindesalter. KinderӓrztlicherPraxis 6 (1935) :
  • Hofmeier, Kurt ; Holtz, F.. Über die Wirkung von Fischleberölkonzentrat (Vitamin D₃) auf die Rachitis des Kindes. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 67 (1941) : 1237-1238
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Über die erbliche Bedingheit infektiöser Erkrankungen des Nervensystems. Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde 75 (1938) :
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Über spinale Kinderlӓhmung. Zeitschrift für ӓrztliche Fortbildung 34 (1937) :
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Über eine wasserlösliche Vitamin-D2-Milcheiweißverbindung. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 74 (1949) : 1245-1246
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Die englische Krankheit (Rachitis). Wesen und Bekämpfung. Berlin, Wien : Reichsgesundheitsverlag, 1944
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Die Ernährung des Kleinkindes. DMW - Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 65 (1939) : 715-717
  • Hofmeier, Kurt. Die Bedeutung der Erbanlagen für die Kinderheilkunde. Stuttgart : Ferdinand Enke, 1938
  • Hofmeier, Kurt ; Schwidder, Werner ; Müller, Friedrich. Alles über dein Kind. Auskunfts und Nachschlagewerk nach Altersstufen über den körperlich und seeliche Entwicklung, Pflege und Erziehung des Kindes fur alle Eltern, Lehrer und Erzieher. Bielefeld : Gieseking, 1970


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À propos de cette page

Rédaction : ©Ashshalvey, ©Marquart

  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 et 1,7 UAH. Lebenslauf Dr Hofmeier, Personalakten der Dozent Dr Kurt Hofmeier Medizinische Fakultät (Geschlossen 1938-1941). Erreur de référence : Balise <ref> incorrecte : le nom « c19c91ddafa42dd5e0021805eee3fc06bb0ed42a » est défini plusieurs fois avec des contenus différents. Erreur de référence : Balise <ref> incorrecte : le nom « c19c91ddafa42dd5e0021805eee3fc06bb0ed42a » est défini plusieurs fois avec des contenus différents. Erreur de référence : Balise <ref> incorrecte : le nom « c19c91ddafa42dd5e0021805eee3fc06bb0ed42a » est défini plusieurs fois avec des contenus différents.
  2. 2,0 et 2,1 LA-BW StAS. Wü 13 T 2 Nr. 2133/014. Hofmeier Fragebogen.
  3. UAH. Letter 26 February 1938 from Dr Lenz concerning Dr Hofmeier, Personalakten der Dozent Dr Kurt Hofmeier Medizinische Fakultät
  4. BArch. R73/11767. Letter from Reichsministeriums für Wissenschaft usw and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 5 December 1941 to Dr Hofmeier.
  5. BArch. R73/11767. Letter from reichsministeriums für Wissenschaft usw and the Deutsche forschungsgemeinschaft 9 April 1943 to Dr Hofmeier.
  6. ITS. 4.1.0/82450597. Letter from Hofmeier to Ebner, 28.05.1943. Original quote: ‘natürlich sehr für die Anlage der Anstalt interessiere.’
  7. 7,0 et 7,1 BArch. R 76 IV 27. Account of the evacuation of Strasbourg, Dr Kurt Hofmeier.
  8. AN-CAD. AC0134/4 Archives de l’Occupation Française en Allemagne et en Autriche.
  9. Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 10 September 1971.
  10. LA-BW StAS. Wü 13T2133. Denazification of Dr Kurt Hofmeier
  11. LA-BW HStA. J175 BU2006. Kurt Hofmeier, Ein Bild Meiner Zeit; So War Es.
  12. Siegmaringen Entnazifizierung.
  13. 13,0 et 13,1 Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart EA 3/150 BU941.